Think of this as your one-stop, online journal for education, happenings, and more from your buds at Garden Party.

  • Slouching Toward Dry January

    Slouching Toward Dry January

    We’re at the point in January where we begin to wonder why we decided to make it “dry” in the first place. The days are short! Who needs self-imposed restriction? The astrological new year doesn’t start until March anyway! But...

  • Holiday Pleasure Palette

    Holiday Pleasure Palette

    When we started planning this year’s gift guide, color was the first thing that came to mind. We’ve been working on our new branding and website, and before all is fully revealed, we figured what better way to introduce our...

  • SmokeEASY: What is THCA?

    SmokeEASY: What is THCA?

    SmokeEASY is a series from Garden Party exploring how we navigate the many convoluted and confusing laws and loopholes of the Prohibition era. This week, we’re talking about THCA: the hottest new cannabinoid on the market. 
  • Digging In the Garden

    Digging In the Garden

    Maybe it's a book, perhaps it's a tv show or a favorite song. It could be an activity, a special product we carry at the shop, or even a state of mind. These are the things living rent-free in our...

  • Digging In The Garden

    Digging In The Garden

    Maybe it's a book, perhaps it's a tv show or a favorite song. It could be an activity, a special product we carry at the shop, or even a state of mind. Whatever it is, we're digging it in the...

  • The State of Things

    The State of Things

    TLDR: Garden Party is seeking an investor(s) to help us purchase commercial property and enter our next phase of growth. Please read on for more:) Did you know May is Small Business Month? I didn't know either, but it's true...